Why should you try 4 Easy Office? Because it simply works.
The often ambiguous question of whether a occupational lens should be tailored for near or intermediate distances has finally been resolved, because: In today‘s mobile working world focusing exclusively on one of these visual requirements is rarely relevant or effective.
4 Easy Office is a simple, innovative universal solution that
not only provides a near range and an extremely wide monitor
distance but also offers a distance area.
In daily conversations with your customers you always ask the
same questions when selling occupational lenses:
Hand on heart: When was the last time you received a clear answer to these questions? Customers who receive a pure computer lens are dissatisfied with using it for distance vision, while customers with a room lens have problems seeing at the computer.
The 4 Easy Office meets all the requirements of a modern workplace: Clear vision in near distances, an extremely wide field of view at monitor distance and the additional distance area ensure that documents on the desk as well as people at the other end of the room can be seen without any problems.
4 Easy Office PC variant provides a stable monitor distance from 0.8 m to 1.2 m while 4 Easy Office Unlimited variant offers a range of 0.8 m to 2 m for monitor work.
Above this monitor distance both designs transition towards a residual addition of 0.25 dpt. in the upper part of the lens. Thus both designs enable vision in room distances up to 4 m.
Computer lenses and room usage no longer exclude each
Example: 4 Easy Office Unlimited, Addition: 1.50 dpt.
A customer with an addition of ≤2.00 dpt. will always be satisfied with 4 Easy Office Unlimited.
For a customer with an addition of ≥2.25 dpt. 4 Easy Office PC is the better choice. Naturally the distance vision area is also included in the upper part of the lens.
We have been manufacturing lenses with the highest precision and innovative strength in Germany since 1935.
We not only ensure that you simply see better and more with our products. For years we have been developing lenses that provide optimum protection for your eyes. This includes e. g. our UV and infrared protection coating as well as innovative lens materials that filter blue light and increase contrasts.
With one of the most modern European machine setups, we stand for advanced products with the highest quality standards at fair prices.
You can purchase WETZLICH lenses from your local optician. Simply ask him about our lenses or find a WETZLICH partner optician in our optician search.